Prior to the 3603 patch most air experimental were severely underpowered, especially the seraphim bomber. Now they have been given an indirect buff since ASFs were nerved.
The question is do we like them where there at now.
•The Sole Ripper seems to be OK as a meat shield for other gunships but with the buffs to stationary AA is it worth building vs strat bombers or T3 gunships.
•The Czar seems to be OK as a defensive factory/airborne pd but it is still very fragile and its only real advantage is it’s not as vulnerable to mobile flack compared to restorers.
•The aswassa is the world best torpedo bomber and can 1 shot Percivals but by the stage of the game when there are large navies and T3 land armies there are also large swarms of ASFs which still murder Aswassas very easily. Not to mention how much more cost effective normal bombers are.
I’m not pretending to be an expert in balance but what do you think? Did the 3603 make them even worth building or is standard T3 air the better option in all cases?