seraphim. give mobile restoration field and T3 sonar one

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seraphim. give mobile restoration field and T3 sonar one

Postby noobymcnoobcake » 03 Nov 2011, 19:12

The seraphim I think are a little underpowed at the moment. I also think the root problem of this is lack of units. T2 long range bot, T2 mobile defence, T3 sonar, T2 sub, T3 gunship. There is also a few underpowered units like the T2 torpedo bommber(the worst of the four by a long way), hover tank and the destoyer. I think it is mainly the lack of units. I think FA was not finished on release because of THQs deadline and we should try to finish the seraphim.

I think we should add a T3 sonar to the seraphim that like the others, moved but has a restoration field like the ACU. I also think that we should add a T2 mobile one. I think this is a better idea than adding restoration to all of there units as sugested in another thread.

the acus one needs as in 3603 its useless and gun is far better. how about
-changing to the build slot of the acu
-increasing its range(at the moment it is less than a t1 tank). I think about 40 (around same range as mongoose)woulde be better
-make the 2nd upgrade heal buildings
-decrease the cost

Please dont say this is a bad idea because it cannot be balanced. It can. The sonar is slow, has little hp and will be targeted first. It could also use up more power than the other factions and the restoration bounus will not stack.

The T2 mobile one will use up power too and will have around the same hp as a T1 tank. It will not heal the ACU or buildings either.

Also dont auto deny because it requires new units.The seraphim are unfinished and need new units to bring them in line with the other factons. The other factions are played around 25-30% of the time but the seraphim are played 15%. its probaly only this high because its the only faction you can play without vanilla as well.
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Re: seraphim. give mobile restoration field and T3 sonar one

Postby FunkOff » 03 Nov 2011, 20:02

noobymcnoobcake wrote:The seraphim I think are a little underpowed at the moment. I also think the root problem of this is lack of units. T2 long range bot, T2 mobile defence, T3 sonar, T2 sub, T3 gunship. There is also a few underpowered units like the T2 torpedo bommber(the worst of the four by a long way), hover tank and the destoyer. I think it is mainly the lack of units. I think FA was not finished on release because of THQs deadline and we should try to finish the seraphim.

I think we should add a T3 sonar to the seraphim that like the others, moved but has a restoration field like the ACU. I also think that we should add a T2 mobile one. I think this is a better idea than adding restoration to all of there units as sugested in another thread.

the acus one needs as in 3603 its useless and gun is far better. how about
-changing to the build slot of the acu
-increasing its range(at the moment it is less than a t1 tank). I think about 40 (around same range as mongoose)woulde be better
-make the 2nd upgrade heal buildings
-decrease the cost

Please dont say this is a bad idea because it cannot be balanced. It can. The sonar is slow, has little hp and will be targeted first. It could also use up more power than the other factions and the restoration bounus will not stack.

The T2 mobile one will use up power too and will have around the same hp as a T1 tank. It will not heal the ACU or buildings either.

Also dont auto deny because it requires new units.The seraphim are unfinished and need new units to bring them in line with the other factons. The other factions are played around 25-30% of the time but the seraphim are played 15%. its probaly only this high because its the only faction you can play without vanilla as well.

I agree adding restoration field + mobility to the tech 2 sonar would help with seraphim's glaring Tech 1/Tech 2 naval weakness.

I also agree with improving the ACU restoration field.... I'd say keeping it the same buff strength and just improving the range to be the same as the Omni radius on the ACU. I won't make it heal structures, however, because I'm fairly certain this would allow the ACU restoration field to build structures without using resources and would therefore be a huge exploit/bug.
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Re: seraphim. give mobile restoration field and T3 sonar one

Postby Gowerly » 03 Nov 2011, 20:51

Why would it do that? It doesn't do that on experimentals does it?
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Re: seraphim. give mobile restoration field and T3 sonar one

Postby Treble » 03 Nov 2011, 21:45

It doesn't repair unfinished experimentals at the moment. Also, the tip for the second restoration field still says that it increases maximum hp of units. This should be fixed as that feature(bug) was removed in 3603.
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Re: seraphim. give mobile restoration field and T3 sonar one

Postby Mr Pinguin » 06 Nov 2011, 00:57

+1 to Seraphim getting a mobile sonar. This is essential imo. I love faction diversity, but the Seraphim desperately need mobile intel on the open ocean. Yathsou intel too short-ranged to let them operate effectively on their own, and bringing cruisers along is just a liability.

I also happen to think that the other T3 mobile sonars need a nerf (in the form of increased energy upkeep). If you compare the T3 mobile sonars to an Omni Radar you can see that they're ridiculously cheap for how useful they are.

I think all of the T3 Sonars can keep their modest build cost but they need something like a +100 increase in energy maintenance cost (especially the Cybran).
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