Forged Alliance Forever Forums
Ze_PilOt wrote:The wiki is clean now.
Sunder wrote:Why do people cry so much about Mercies? They're very easy to counter, and although annoying en-mass, if you haven't got any air or anti-air up, you're doing something wrong.
Ze_PilOt wrote:If you want something to happen, do it yourself.
BlackFish wrote: got a small speed buff so that they fly maybe ASF speed
Sunder wrote:
Why do people cry so much about Mercies? They're very easy to counter, and although annoying en-mass, if you haven't got any air or anti-air up, you're doing something wrong.
FunkOff wrote:BlackFish wrote: got a small speed buff so that they fly maybe ASF speed
Mercy max speed is 10, ASF is 25. Is 150% a "small buff"?
Also, mercies are already highpriair, which means all AA units will, when given a choice, shoot them first.
Kryo wrote:FunkOff wrote:BlackFish wrote: got a small speed buff so that they fly maybe ASF speed
Mercy max speed is 10, ASF is 25. Is 150% a "small buff"?
Also, mercies are already highpriair, which means all AA units will, when given a choice, shoot them first.
when given a choice made me think about something:
given a interceptor is flying in front of the mercy, it will come into aa range first. will aa switch to mercy immediately if it comes into range, or will it first kill the int and then switch target?
I think it will first kill the int and then switch, which is a problem, isnt it? would this be fixable?
Ze_PilOt wrote:The wiki is clean now.
Sunder wrote:Probably not, just imagine the abuse:
T2 Mobile AA sees Fighter-Bomber and tries to stop; Mercy is microed in; T2 Mobile AA moves turret to fire at Mercy; Mercy is microed out, wasting the AA's efforts, and leaving a Fighter Bomber doing serious damage to units.
Kryo wrote:Sunder wrote:Probably not, just imagine the abuse:
T2 Mobile AA sees Fighter-Bomber and tries to stop; Mercy is microed in; T2 Mobile AA moves turret to fire at Mercy; Mercy is microed out, wasting the AA's efforts, and leaving a Fighter Bomber doing serious damage to units.
the mercy is the problem not the fighter bomber. If someone would waste a mercy to distract aa from a fb this would waste of mass
Ze_PilOt wrote:The wiki is clean now.
Sunder wrote:Kryo wrote:Sunder wrote:Probably not, just imagine the abuse:
T2 Mobile AA sees Fighter-Bomber and tries to stop; Mercy is microed in; T2 Mobile AA moves turret to fire at Mercy; Mercy is microed out, wasting the AA's efforts, and leaving a Fighter Bomber doing serious damage to units.
the mercy is the problem not the fighter bomber. If someone would waste a mercy to distract aa from a fb this would waste of mass
"Microed out" <- The mercy isn't wasted at all.
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