by Zock » 03 Mar 2012, 22:30
Depends on the Situation. If i have a lot Units, i make some additional Artys and overrun him. If i am T2, i get some MMLs fast. If i have aircontrol, i do some bombers, preferable t2 bombers.
If possible, you can go with units or bomber for his eco if you're not sure if you can get his firebase.
T2 PD creep is strong, the best is you stop it before he can make many PDs. If he got not many Units, don't let him make PDs at the front. Atack him, force him to retreat and slowly tower himself forward from his last PD. That will cost him a lot additional PDs instead of just setting a tower in front of your base and gives you time to make more units.
While it is strong, a lot players tend to overrate the firepower of the T2 PDs against a huge T1 Army. It get easy overrolled. Be carefull if T1 PDs are mixen in, though.
If he wants to tower forward, force him to build a shield and maybe a stealth by making a pd just out of range of his PD. After he made it and an additional PD to kill yours, reclaim it fast.