Was just watching this fantastic cast of a classic replay featuring many of the biggest stars of Supcom:
and got to wondering where all the supcom star players are now, and if it might be possible to get in contact with some of them again and show the FAF?
Ofc mainy cornerstones of the community are still here like TAG_Rock, Zock, and other top guys on the ladder but many of the other biggest names have moved on. The biggest success story has been TLO who found fame and fortune in Star Craft II, seen here talking highly about the game where he got his start:
Its a pity Supcom has faced all the obsticals it has or he might have been playing pro supcom now instead..
TLO also streams on Twitch TV and has nearly 30,000 subscribers:
If he could be persuaded to play a supcom show match on his stream it would be great exposure for FAF to 1000's of RTS fans who may have never seen supcom.
So does anybody know the status of any of the other big stars like Sir_Loui, if they are still playing and if they might one day return?