Just wanted to speak a little on the locking of the balance discussion forum.
I do understand ZeP's reasons for closing the forum, it wasn't doing the job it was originally intended for, but I think it is still an important place for the playing community and the development of FAF.
The fact that it became a totally open space where any player can give their own opinion - suggestion - vision of how the game should play, rather than giving feedback on official changes, is actually a good thing.
Firstly because discussions always move beyond whatever suggestion is being made, into a much wider debate that often brings up many more salient points and elements of the game that helps inform everyone's position. I've learned a huge amount about just playing the game, factional strengths, unit roles etc that have come out of often rash and outright misguided balance suggestions.
Secondly, the very best ideas for future balance changes of the game come out of this kind of community wide debate. While there should be a central - final authority in implementing the actual direction the balance changes take, there should still be a grass roots level forum where all the knowledge and insight of the community at large can be harvested. No single person, or group of top players, however experienced and knowledgeable, can match the specific insight and creative vision of the open forum. I'm sure everyone here has been enriched by the debate that goes on in the forums, had their mind changed on things they felt strongly about by other perspectives or been exposed to fresh ideas that simply never occurred to them in the first place. Even GPG themselves used feedback from the community consensus and specific individuals who offered specialized insight into areas like economy.
Thirdly, player just simply need a space like this for mental hygiene, to get things off their chests about things that bother them, as a creative space to discuss hypotheticals and perhaps come up with mod ideas that don't fit into the official patched version of the game.
Its good that ZeP now has a proper forum to do the job of testing the official revision balance changes, and this is very important, but I think it is still very worthwhile to also have a separate open forum for free debate to take place, and Im sure others feel the same way.