Hello there. I'd like to preface this that I am a filthy casual and play thermo and dual gap 24/7. That being said.
In my futile efforts of 'gitting gud' I have watched some replays and noticed some oddities:
1. Many people pause their mexes before upgrading. Why is this being done? Is this the same as mex bug from times past?
2. I noticed that quite some people end up with their mexes at 5% or less health for no reason whatsoever - there were no raids or whatnot, this implies it was intentional. Why?
3. One guy ( rated 1100 ) was actually insta-killing his T2 ringed mexes ( how, without ctrl-k and delay? ) and power building T3 mex over it. Why? Is there efficiency benefit from it? This fellow managed to get four T3 mexes (on thermo) at ~13 minutes, so I am curius.
4. Regarding adjecancy. Is it a bug that if:
- building a nuke missle on a bare launcher and then surround with T2 mass fabs, the launcher says -40 mass use regardless
- building a nuke missle on a launcher surrounded with T2 fabs says -36 ( which is expected ) and if I reclaim all the fabs it remains -36? Essentially giving me 1000 or so mass for free.