by bigcrap757 » 14 Apr 2018, 20:14
I've always had a problem with the maps the community plays on the most: Gap, setons, thermo, etc. These maps take out a lot of the strategy because they have one main chokepoint, taking out any element of strategic maneuvering and smart placement of defensive structures. They also usually only have one area to fight over, that being the center, which means players never have to worry about spreading their forces too thin or managing multiple fronts. As bad as these maps are, I could tolerate them because you still had to manage your economy and there was always the threat of the other team building an experimental quickly and overrunning your side. However, dual gap simultaneously suffers from being too closed and too open with the middle area of the map lacking any chokepoints and the bases only having one way in. What really makes the map insufferable though is how big it is. It's very hard to get an experimental to the other side before the other team is able to construct a defense, leading to games that can go on for a very long time. What convinced me to make this post was a game I had yesterday, which went on for like two hours with nothing happening. I eventually just stopped playing I got so bored. Part of the reason the game took so long was because of the slowdown, something that happens a lot because of all the players and how easy it is to build huge armies. I don't think I can play on duel gap anymore, I dont want to risk wasting an hour or two of my life upgrading mass extractors.