After reviewing some of the feedback on maps for the ladder pool, I quickly realized this poll is purely based on a user's simple opinion rather real, constructive feedback.
What do I mean by this? Well, many players say they don't like a map simply because of its size and complexity, e.g. Medicraze who apparently likes negative-ad campaigning:
I think the ladder polls FTXCommando has created are good for finding out someone's core opinion, but as a mapper who really wants to improve the content for the community, simply hearing "I don't have time nor like 20x20 cause it's scary" does not help much. Reviewing matches in the replay vault, I see 5x5 as the only medium where matches are usually are most 20 mins. 10x10 and up can last an hour or more depending upon the skill-level match and etc. I don't have feedback on my maps time with specific data, but a number of example replays I saw of Norfair saw the matches average about 15-20 minutes. So what is the real problem if it's not time?
Frithen took a decent amount of thought and work, and like most things, it received good and bad feedback from players.
So, ladder team, and specifically FTXCommando, I would like to request that you do a little more and ask people who participate in polls to provide a "reason" in their voting so that the data has some real weight.