by Softly » 15 Aug 2012, 11:21
Obviously if someone is playing sim city, they will have an exponentially increasing supply of mass, provided they don't run into pathfinding issues with engies (by using drones), though this is obviously limited by unit cap.
However, the graph of said mass supply won't be determined by the same function for the whole game, rather there will be a section where you are building t1 mexes, upgrading them, building storage and finally when you reach the mass fab game. At each stage, the mass income vs time graph will be exponential, but the overall graph will look less so because at each stage its gradient increases less because its less efficient a way of getting mass than the stage before. Add to this the fact that you will also be needing to increase the amount you spend on units the further you get in which will depress the curve further. At this stage the chances of it being entirely linear are insignificant, regardless of what the curve actually approximates to. You would effectively be trying to make an exponential curve linear, by taking an exponential curve of it...???
That said, we are assuming that you are a perfectly consistent player (which is not the case, are you telling me that you have never ever built up any kind of mass storage?), and also that mass investment vs extra income is a continuous function (which it isn't, you don't get half a t1 mex if you only put half the mass in...).
Then you have to consider different play styles. If you don't build any mexes then you can have both an exponential and a linear mass curve! Or you can play simcity and get an approximately exponential one over time, or you can play a normal game and have a totally bs curve when all your t2 mexes get tml sniped, and your t1 mexes get periodically raided and destroyed.
So to conclude, and now lets be really technical and on topic. Every single bit of the graph will actually be flat. Your mass income will only go up when you finish a mass upgrade/building at which point it will become a flat curve again. Great lets all go home everyone previous is wrong. Depending on how you play, will depend on what your flat sections will line up and approximate to, although it should always be exponential at each stage of the game.