I hope that these continue much longer throughout FAF, I sadly lack the time to get some awesome avatars, If you guys dont mind, might I recommend a few?
Win a 5x5 with only one land factory, and the rest all air. Only defensive structure use.
Win a ladder map with ONLY your ACU, You may build structures, PD, Flak, ect, but no tanks. Offensive structure use allowed, permitted its built from the ACU
Snipe an enemy commander in one pass with t1 bombers.
Win a game using only LABS (sorry sera
) ghetto gunships are ok to use. AA and interceptors are also allowed. No PD creep.
Tech rush- You must upgrade all of your starting mass to T2 before moving out of your starting base to attack. You may expand and reclaim outside of your general starting area, but may not fight outside of your base until all mass you started with is t2.
Win a game where you are only allowed to make T2 attacking units.
Capture an enemy engineer, and kill the enemy ACU with their own factions units(IMPORTANT). You can still attack before you have captured their engineer.
Win a game where you only use offensive structures to attack.
(Funny) While playing a game, constantly 'sing' (type out lyrics to a song) while playing. song must not be vulgar/offensive, and you must have to average about 3-4 sentences per minute. This can be very objective about sentence length, ect. But the main idea is that the player spends half of their time singing.
I hope you enjoyed my ideas, I feel that most of them are practical, achievable, yet still difficult enough to deserve an award, and none of them require you to drag out a game to the very late stages. Feel free to (nicely) point out any stupid ideas I proposed. If I was unclear about any challenges, feel free to (nicely) yell my way to ask whats up.