I asked to contain the discussion to the economy and not the military because these two are separate progression tracks within the game. In the SCU RAS example, the late stage eco of all factions (except sera) rely on it, mostly because of it's scalability. In other words, it allows the player to maintain that exponential eco curve without limit except for the number of units. That late stage eco development is denied to the sera player, and this matters on larger maps. There is only so much room for sera to play simcity.
Recognize that in all other aspects of eco development, the factions are equal. UEF pgen = CYB pgen etc. The faction diversity in this game is all on military aspects, except for the sera SCU RAS, and it is a big deal. No single military advantage makes up for the fact that sera is denied later stage eco.
I would like to see this change. It doesn't just impact larger 40x40 and 80x80 maps, but also smaller maps with limited space for the player to build on. You can only fit so many sera mass/energy farms on a 6 player Roanoke. It's the single reason I don't play with sera on these maps