Here are some rules :
- You don't decide what need to be balance or changed. This is called "Balance team", but it's in fact more a "Balance Tester team".
- You need to provide replays each weeks, using balance mods.
Don't apply if you are not sure to have the time to do it.
I'm not sure yet of the numbers of game you will have to provide each week, but I think 10 is not asking too much.
If you fail providing replays regularly, you will be removed from the team.
It's a serious "job", don't apply just to test it once in a while. I want commitment.
- You will test 1v1, 2v2, ....
I'm not only asking for high ranked 1v1 players. But I don"t ask for "only seton players" or "only 4v4 players" either.
You must be able to play all kind of games. On all the replays that will be asked each week, some must be 1v1, some must be team games.
- Testing one change doesn't mean playing for testing it.
Play as you will play usually, even if you are not using a balance change. If it kick in the game, it's good, if not, don't post the replays.
I don't need silly replays where 1/2/4/8/12 players just spam X because it's the change tested.
So, if you want to be part of it, please post your nickname, your rating and your favorite faction.