1v1 Ladder Ranking

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1v1 Ladder Ranking

Postby Flipper » 13 Jan 2014, 00:32

Ok, so I am around 900 - 950 rank in team games.

Around 600-700 in ladder 1v1. I feel like I can hang in team games with most 1200 ranked players (my rank is rising slowly but steadily lately).

With that said, at what 1v1 rank is someone considered "good". I've played several games this weekend around 700ish ranked players who seemed to be much better than what I would think a 700 rank is. Granted, I think I lost a couple due to inexperience on the maps, but mostly, I felt like the players would be ranked above 1000.

Also, is there a correlation between 1v1 ladder rank and team rank? Could someone explain the ratings system? I think that we need a post explaining the ranking system and it's various rankings stickied.

Sorry for the two topics in the same post, but they are somewhat related.
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Re: 1v1 Ladder Ranking

Postby Hawkei » 13 Jan 2014, 02:09

The score which you see in team matches is your global rank, which incorporates all ranked matches (including 1v1 ladder). Therefore global rank is a much more consistent tool for predicting skill.

Due to many players not frequenting the 1v1 ladder. At your skill level, ladder rank cannot necessarily be used to indicate skill and can often be misleading. For ladder ranks between 500 and 1500 there tends to be significant deviation between ladder and global rank. So it is not reliable and can often be misleading.

I myself often have the bad habit of gauging a player from their displayed score and play accordingly. To overcome this, I often minimise the score window on the UI. It sounds silly, but, it actually works. When I don't see their score, I tend to play my best. ;)

The formula for calculating score is based on a Mean Score and Deviation. Mean Score is the aggregate result of all your current exchanges. The Deviation is an indication of certainty. The more games you have, and the more consistent your performance, the higher the level of certainty.

The formula is some thing like this:
Score = MeanScore - 3 x Deviation

Which means the score displayed to everyone in the lobby indicates the low end of your expected performance. Rank is therefore the combination of performance and consistency.
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Re: 1v1 Ladder Ranking

Postby ax0lotl » 14 Jan 2014, 12:17

I'm in the same range as you, Flipper. In my experience, a ladder rating of +- 500 mostly equals +- 750 global, +- 600 ladder equals +- 900 global, +- 800 ladder equals +- 1150/1200 global. (To see the global rating of your ladder opponent, after the game look for the game in the replay vault.) I don't understand the why of the difference either.
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Re: 1v1 Ladder Ranking

Postby batool100 » 15 Jan 2014, 08:07

700 ladder ranking is best for position. If it will cross from 700 then it is excellent.
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Re: 1v1 Ladder Ranking

Postby Aurion » 15 Jan 2014, 10:06

I understand the why. It's just easier to play team games than it is to play 1v1 maps. Especially when players tend to play popular maps like Gap of Rohan that are just easier than others in general.
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Re: 1v1 Ladder Ranking

Postby Flipper » 08 Mar 2014, 00:46

So, I've searched for a posting explaining how the ladder works, but I've come up empty so far.

How does the ladder in FAF work?

Sorry, just after posting this, I found the following:

http://www.faforever.com/mediawiki/inde ... The_Ladder
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Re: 1v1 Ladder Ranking

Postby E8400-CV » 08 Mar 2014, 01:11

Sometimes people have a very good day and play seemingly above their rating
Sometimes people are a bit too intoxicated and play below their rating
And then some people smurf their way to a certain rating... like IKatherine, so they can gang up on lower rated players.
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Re: 1v1 Ladder Ranking

Postby Flipper » 08 Mar 2014, 03:50

I so dont get that. I want to constantly improve and raise my rank so i can get in with the big time players.
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Re: 1v1 Ladder Ranking

Postby Deering » 08 Mar 2014, 05:13

Ladder ranking no longer affects global rating. They are now independent contrary to what hawkei said.

Also the ladder wiki page is out of date. The new ladder works like this http://www.faforever.com/?p=1262
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Re: 1v1 Ladder Ranking

Postby ax0lotl » 09 Mar 2014, 15:59

To be clear about the terms, because they are often mixed up:
Ladder ranking/ladder position is your position in a ladder division (Snoop, Striker, etc.). That position is determined as described in above mentioned link.
1v1 rating is your Trueskill rating based on matchmaker 1v1 games ("ladder games"). This is the rating that you see in-game when you play an automatch game. 1v1 rating is updated after every game.
There is a list of all players ordered by rating. Your "rank" is your position in the ordered list.
Global rating is the Trueskill rating based on all "ranked" matches, which are all custom games (1v1, 4v4, etc.) without restrictions and mods, + as far as I know all matchmaker games ("ladder games"). Global rating is rounded and updated weekly.
Global "ranking" is the position in the ordered global rating list, before rounding.

I think that the matchmaker matches (combines people to play eachother) based on 1v1 ("ladder") rating, not on ladder division.
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