air experimental+ novax/czar bug

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air experimental+ novax/czar bug

Postby Ithilis_Quo » 14 Feb 2014, 19:16

At first, my english is not so good like it will be, im working on that but style i apologies for that linguistic pain.

At second, bug NO.1 - maybe it is not pure bug at least is brutal exploit, when you spend never-ending mount of eco for paragon/mavor/ACU/everything it will be extremely easy killed by Novax satellite with autodestruction, where is here no defense for it. 2 satellite paragon and half of base is down. 3 satellite mavor is down, 4 satellite ACU is down. Novax can be perfectly shield but they target not, it go through shield and damaged objects not shield and cant be destroyed in air. Can it be fixed?

bug NO. 2 - Czar has flak, but it doesnt fire well, it mostly all situation dont hit. slow flak is useless against asf but stil at least against gunships, he fire only rocket, and flak is fired on end of flak range, that doesnt hit slow resto, only it can hit continental because it has big shield. Can it be fixed?
I was making some tests mostly with air exp, what is good for what, best and etc. Where we had here Olympic games so this is some kind of best air exp qualification :D

When i try air exp against big couple (360) of T1 anti air the best one is cheaper one - cybran bug, he totaly smash it and go out with 115K hp. Second one was sera ahwasa, what will be better but need well micro, other has problem with drop bomb in situation when is high rock near, go out with cca 77K hp. Totaly worst one was czar, he need longest time(3xlonger like bug), and get out with only 42K hp.

air exp against relative well def base. 5T3 + 5T2 + 5T1 +2T3 shields
best one czar - only one who alive that with cca 2Khp
second BUG - die and only one T2 and one T1 turret alive
worst Ahwasa - cant handle double shield and will be smashed whiteout any dmg. With one shield best one.

air exp against air - restorers
czar against 37 resto (same mass) - czar down, 8 resto dmged for half, 5 fall down with czar wrack. pure lose. flak doesnt fire
awhasa against 37 resto - awhasa down, 37 resto down. maybe it will hapend in first fly but i dont try it on first time, the well mired bomb totaly smash resto from world, everything explode, and it was not ridiculous hard to hit.
bug against 37 resto - 0 restro down 3 heavy dmged

czar vs 6 restroresr - 31K hp for czar, good work
ahwasa vs 6 resto - 45K for ahwasa, better one, with move its stronger, and still possibility to ground fire bomb.
bug vs 6 rstro - bad news for bug, he got down and destroy only 4restro and one havy damaged.
-total similar numbers when i use continental except restorers

air exp against asf
2 czar against 40 ASF - czars down 8asf down, similar lose like against resto but with only 31% mas value
2 ahwasa against 40 asf - ahwasas down 10asf down, hard to micro ground fire, other wise pure win for ahwasa, but it need hard bomber skill, for ground fire and stop and let all asf die in massive explosion.
2 bug against 40 ASF - bugs down 4 asf down with him

air exp with air support against ASF -semifinal
1czar+ 5 asf vs 20 asf - czar +8 enemy asf down
1ahwasa +5asf vs 20asf- ahwasa + 10 enemy asf down
1bug +5 asf vs 20asf - bug with +2 enemy asf down

air exp against air exp - final category
czar vs ahwasa czar win with 1500HP but cant kill ahwasa when is flying out (its 2x slower)
czar vs bug czar pure win with 40K hp, ground fire smash that insect to the hell :D
ahwasa vs bug awhasa win with cca 40K hp, but cant be damaget when is flying out (faster)

The winer is tamtadadaaaaa -> Cybran BUG!
he is best against land unit, has strongest armor, best manevers, its slightly worse against air like other but has 30% eco discont! thats all what put bug on gold position! Congratulation cybran nation !

in silver position is ahwasa with perfect bombing against low shield base, and can be ridiculous strong against air when had brutal micro and piece of luck. Only ahwasa has possibility go out from exp and restro and dont be damaget. bigest speed make it threat on whole map in real time. In hand of player with well bomber micro its threat that can be better like bug, but price and need of hard skill puting it on second position.

In bronze position is with proud monumental czar, czar is well defense base specialist, who is alone who can take it and stay alive. It is good factory too, and has special secret weapon - dieing over enemy base. But still is slow bad maneuverable and big, what means is damages by everything.

What i see interesting in air exp is how vulnerable they are against asf/restro/continetal.
I know that air is not lant, but still 15 ASF what mean cca 10% of mass. Can kill expemtimental. 2 brick never kill ML or 3 megalith.

who is your air exp champion? Why?
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Re: air experimental+ novax/czar bug

Postby Mycen » 14 Feb 2014, 19:39

A thread about how the Novax is overpowered. You have reached a new low...
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Re: air experimental+ novax/czar bug

Postby Ithilis_Quo » 14 Feb 2014, 19:50

Hm i was trying it, it is reworked but still, its posible destroy paragon under shield with only 2 satelit with perfect aiming.
And doesnt exist defense for it
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Re: air experimental+ novax/czar bug

Postby Kulu » 14 Feb 2014, 20:21

I dont understand your text very well:)

You mean with the standard attack or by self destructing the Novax Station?
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Re: air experimental+ novax/czar bug

Postby Mycen » 14 Feb 2014, 20:24

He's talking about with the air crash.
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Re: air experimental+ novax/czar bug

Postby rockoe10 » 14 Feb 2014, 20:59

There is a mod I uploaded (didn't create) that takes away crash damage because of techniques like this. My most hated tactic is the t1 bomber spam to take out shields by crashing into them.
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Re: air experimental+ novax/czar bug

Postby rockoe10 » 14 Feb 2014, 21:02

There is a mod I uploaded (didn't create) that takes away crash damage because of techniques like this. My most hated tactic is the t1 bomber spam to take out shields by crashing into them.
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Re: air experimental+ novax/czar bug

Postby IceDreamer » 14 Feb 2014, 23:43

It's a game feature. The guy sacrifices a significant investment for an even more significant outcome. Getting rid of this kind of thing is stupid: If you crash a satellite or a plane onto something, that something IS going to be Damaged.
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Re: air experimental+ novax/czar bug

Postby Plasma_Wolf » 15 Feb 2014, 12:54

I thought that the sats dropped in a random pattern to deal with this problem?

Aside from that, I'm with IceDreamer, the thing is going to do damage when it crashes. If you want to deal with the novax, you also have to deal with the CZAR. Yes, the CZAR can be taken down but the death damage of that thing is 10K and it has a huge area of effect. Besides, you can also take the novax down. Deal with it.

By the way, you can almost build 9 novax sats for the price of a paragon. How are you going to stop those?
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Re: air experimental+ novax/czar bug

Postby tdrqwako » 15 Feb 2014, 13:23

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