With the 3629 t3 gunship rebalance, the patch info for broadsword shows:
RateOfFire = 2.5 (From 3). DPS = 225 (From 300)
AA Damage = 8 (From 2). DPS = 12 (From 3)
I think the fire rate was really 1/.3 = 3.3333, giving it a dps of 333.33. This WAS reflected in the units db prior to zep changing it to the current value. I'm sure others will remember broadsword having 333.33 dps.
Thus this patch reduced broadsword dps by 108.33, or 32.5%.
Was this an intentional nerf? If the intent is to reduce its damage by 25% like the wailer, why not just bring down the projectile damage from 100 to 75 and maintain the 3.33 fire rate? This equates to 250dps.
The faster fire rate was more suitable anyway.