Speaking from my experience as a person who joined FAF about 8 months ago, progressed up the skill levels a bit, and has enjoyed almost every minute of it:
gunnyfreak wrote:how many people are playing at a time? (would i have trouble finding matches on my level?)
There are generally plenty of people on at a time, indeed an all time high of 1011 was reached today, online simultaneously (maximum is during EU evenings). At minimum times I believe it is about 200-300.
I have experienced (practically) never a shortage of 1v1 ladder opponents (although you will have to lose some games against random people before it learns to find people you are rating). And there are usually several multiplayer games in the lobby hosted for newish players.
When I started I had some experience already but the system learnt me quickly so I seemed to get players around my rating pretty often. And you can of course host your own games, play coop or galactic war, etc.
gunnyfreak wrote:
how friendly are people here? (I quit HoN because of the community, dota 2 treating me better)
things like that. Anyone care to share their experiences?
Well I can share my experience:
I mostly play ladder, on which 90% of matches start with a 'good luck have fun' or equivalent and 99% end with a 'gg'.
It goes without saying there are a few bad losers around but I think this is the best community overall I have experience of at least. So that's my own opinion.
Sometimes chat and (rarely) the forums can seem less than helpful but usually if you ask clearly you will get a clear answer back.
gunnyfreak wrote:
thanks in advance
You're welcome, and I hope to see you around!
(feel free to pm me if you see me there!)
I will just add that I have noticed a recent increase in the number of new player games hosted, and with TB's video here there will undoubtedly be a lot more coming in.
And they will all be in the same ship as you, so I'm sure you will have no problems getting some games.