by Ze_PilOt » 06 Jun 2014, 08:02
Or we can say that it was already done before and didn't worked, that's why we've switched to another system?
People will cry over maps whatever you do. At least with the current system, they have a slight chance to get the map they like but no one is.
But in most cases, people get a map from the 15 most selected maps. So guess what, that's your system implemented with a permanent vote.
If you like a map that everybody else hates (and it happens for every map), if you have it, you are happy, but your enemy will cry. That "problem" will be amplified with the previous system you recommend.
And I fail to see how it will make me care less about it. The current system is. The previous one wasn't.
It's more work to create a team, change the maps every x weeks, and of course, managing the inherent whining before ("the way the team is formed is not fair", "I'm not in it so it sucks" "the voting is biased", ..), during it ("they are only top players!" "they are average players!" "they are playing cybran so they favorite it!", ...) and after ("these maps suck", please put my awesome map in it", "last season was good why change it??", "there are too many maps", "there are not enough maps", "too many big ones", "too many small ones", ...).
Actually, just thinking of it makes me sick, so, no, I won't change the system whatever you will say.
Also, I should point out that selecting all the maps is stupid. You have 100% chances of having a map your enemy like.
Again, you don't get "a random map". You can get a map you have both selected, a small chance to get a map you or he likes (what you call "random map" probably, but actually the map one of you like and makes him/you happy), or a map from the top 15 (most likely if you select nothing).
So right now it's the fairest way to get a map pool (every body vote all the time), and as it's dynamic, it's 0 maintenance work.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.