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Channel: #Blitz
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5 x 5 km map 1v1 Blitz Tournament
No minimum rating
Double Elimination
Winners rounds are Bo3
Losers rounds are Bo1
Every round of Winners bracket: the players will take turns vetoing maps from the 7 map pool until 3 maps remain. Top player in bracket vetoes first. After veto process the top player in bracket chooses the first map to be played. Loser of first game chooses the next map.
Maps for losers rounds will be as follows:
Round 1: Theta Passage
Round 2: Canis River
Round 3: Cobalt Valley
Round 4: Ambush Pass
Theta Passage
Canis River
Cobalt Valley
Ambush Pass
Crimson Feud
Finn's Revenge
The Ganges Chasma
1st place prize: Blitz tourney champion avatar
Signups (ladder rating in parentheses):
hitagi (2004)
ThomasHiatt (2024)
Robogear (1732)
Kng-GROND-Noob (1808)
Alma_Elma (1232)
Mognotek (1565)
Blodir (2123)
Tagada (2033)
Espi-GROND-Noob (1811)