Hi, everybody. Due to numerous requests, it was decided to organize a DualGap tournament. The version for the game will be: dualgap_adaptive.v0009.
CHALLONGE: https://challonge.com/ru/tournaments/signup/Z3rmqL6Epo#/signup/pdfdsbpdtqa
tournament rules:
- The cap rating for each teams is 11000.
- a full team (6 people)is required.
-Only players above 1000 rating can participate in the tournament.
- default tournament rules also apply, without smurfing, rating manipulation, etc.
- TD decision is final (TD Saske_Kaske).
- СPU test <=250
tournament format
- Single Elimination.
- share conditions will be set to full share so that accidental disconnects will not decide outcome of the match.
I place-unique avatar
the tournament starts on 27/06/2020
time 18: 00 Moscow time (15:00 GMT)
registration closes 1 hour before the start of the tournament
you_bunny_wrote, TACHILA, Gap_Dendy, kite, AltF4_, Wifi - MUKPO3AUMbl
BoomStickJuicee, luliperu, Skullrazer, FlatbrEadJesus, Rogue_Toaster, Spartanius3 - Abusement Park Management
Robustness, Suprimca, Suzuji, BlinChik, WhenDayBreaks, Rotated (replacement: Paralon) - Suzuji's Squad
keyser, Turtleman_, TheRussiansDidIt, Super_Connard, Alive_Pulsar, AestheticOfHate, Oblivioner (replacement)- Team keyser