*edited random rant*
Finally ZeP can you please reverse whatever Toejams has done to prevent me from entering chat?
Forged Alliance Forever Forums
Moderators: FtXCommando, Stups
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
CelticSoul wrote:Zep you actually have a valid point concerning livereplay being public now but off course all replays could have been searched for and downloaded of gpg servers anyway at one time.
CelticSoul wrote:Makes me wonder if in-game chat should have a privacy option ?
CelticSoul wrote:However concering vetoing people that use offensive language then you need to tread carefully , what one person finds as offensive another finds funny.
CelticSoul wrote:Who are you to decide how people are to behave or speak. Are you saying that your morally superior to everyone else ?
CelticSoul wrote:Also you need to realise the use of profanity in ones volcabulary has many different meanings and depending on the inflection can infer very differnet things within the context of the passage.
CelticSoul wrote: I noticed this in GPG offten when admin would chastise some for using profanity while other nations caould chat in their own language and use whatever profanity they wished. It was still a public chat but because of their lack of understanding admin would simply let it go on.
CelticSoul wrote:This is offcourse unfair. Either all should be punished for proffanity or nobody should. Personally I think all the language I have used I learned in the school playground anyway so whats the fucking point ! And what ever happened to Freedom of Speech ?
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
First point. CHAT IS Visable in GPG Replays.
Do you really expect people to PM each other whilst playing a game ? Lets say the game is Private and there all friends and there is some friendly abuse being mentioned
Fourth Point. Again am i to be held accountable to every persons opionion on what is offensive ? I might think french are all fucking queer but i dont try to stop them from sucking each others dicks do i !
I believe it's fair to swear whatever you want if no one else notices. Like I explained before, mind the others a bit before you go beserk.Are you saying that its ok to swear in russian ' for instance' so long as its not in main chat ?
So its ok for moderators or admin to use offensive language ?
Its ok for them to threaten to 'kick my ass' ?
As for toejams. ...... ANSWER ME THAT !
As for the police. Last time the took me down it required over 10 police officers to get me into the back of the cop van. Im dont give a shit about police, or any f*** that trys to tell me what to do. PERIOD! You can all f*** right off !
I expect you shall ban me from forums next ...... BYE BYE and UP YOURS!
CelticSoul wrote:First point. CHAT IS Visable in GPG Replays.
CelticSoul wrote:Second pont. Do you really expect people to PM each other whilst playing a game ? Lets say the game is Private and there all friends and there is some friendly abuse being mentioned. As was the case with me and NeverRizing5on. Do you think that alt tabbing back to chat and then Pm ing your frined is a valid form of communication when the game designers provide an ingame function for this ? Lets not even go to communication via team speak ! you going to listen in to team speak as well next ?
CelticSoul wrote:Third point. If someone is feeling offended then they should cancel the reply. Its the same for many TV programs if you dont like porn dont watch it, if you dont like an old commedy programe that contains racist, offensive language then dont watch it. DONT TELL OTHERS WHAT THEY CAN SAY OR DO! YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHT!
CelticSoul wrote:Fourth Point. Again am i to be held accountable to every persons opionion on what is offensive .
CelticSoul wrote:Fifth point, You still havent answered this. Are you saying that its ok to swear in russian ' for instance' so long as its not in main chat ? Isnt that hypocritical ?
CelticSoul wrote: My language is English , why cant i swear in english ? If you dont like it get out of english cahrt and use your own channel.
CelticSoul wrote:Sixth Point, So its ok for moderators or admin to use offensive language ? Its ok for them to threaten to 'kick my ass' ?
CelticSoul wrote:THATS DEFINATELY HYPOCRITICAL!and a complete joke in reality! At this point you have just proven to me and everyone else that its a case of one rule for you and yours and another whole set of rules for everyone else. VIVA LE REVOLUTION !
CelticSoul wrote:As for toejams. Everybody dislikes him. The point of the matter was i was in game, playing with friends, and we were all talking and swearing but it was all in jest.
CelticSoul wrote: NeverRising5on even told me later that he wasnt offended and that he thought Toejams had overreacted So what gives him the right to ban me in the first place ? ANSWER ME THAT !
CelticSoul wrote:As for the police. Last time the took me down it required over 10 police officers to get me into the back of the cop van. Im dont give a **** about police, or any **** that trys to tell me what to do. PERIOD! You can all **** right off !
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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