Tournament UI in Lobby

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Tournament UI in Lobby

Postby LexiconVII » 25 Jul 2013, 22:53

I'm new to playing tournaments on FAF. It was difficult finding out how to sign up and to see that I am, indeed, signed up and ready to play. I'm sure it's been talked about before, but having a button in FAF that allows you to sign up and see yourself and your opponents on an active leaderboard would be helpful. This could have a suggested time of the day of when you should play. The players could modify this.

Anyway, I think the simpler the better. If something like this were implemented, many more new players and players that usually just play ladder would join the tournaments.
Once my friends and I caught a pigeon in a bag. It had some sort of disease and died the next day. It was pretty sad.
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Re: Tournament UI in Lobby

Postby Voodoo » 26 Jul 2013, 09:27

All you have to do to signup is a double click on the tournament at the tourney tab.
Normaly all informations are written there, if not check the forum thread of the tournament.
If you want to know the players rating then you can check it yourself.
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Re: Tournament UI in Lobby

Postby LexiconVII » 26 Jul 2013, 20:05

Oh. That simplifies things a little. But I don't really know when I should play or who I am playing. Where do I find out this information?
Once my friends and I caught a pigeon in a bag. It had some sort of disease and died the next day. It was pretty sad.
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Re: Tournament UI in Lobby

Postby Ze_PilOt » 26 Jul 2013, 20:50

On the tournament description for the date.

Who you are playing is probably decided on the day on the tournament.

You just need to be connected to FAF when the tournament start, you will see a new Chat room, and you will be able to ask all your questions there.
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