Strange bug on game start

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Strange bug on game start  Topic is solved

Postby Poch » 27 Jul 2013, 13:03

Hi, ZePilot asked me to report this.

The symptoms :
Everyone at game start was already T3 with ACU, the ACU itself was invisible, we had no desync, and the teleporting animation didnt played either. Strange too, i couldnt finish my T1 factory (not enough mass in storage).

The context :
So, we had a 2v2 game on some map, everything was fine and we decided to go for a rematch. Host was Sevanya, but while the game was up, i couldnt join (waiting for faf update serv). I quitted/relaunched FAF, and it was "under server maintenance". 3 minutes later it launches, i join the game, other people join and we launch. And that is when we has the strange bug.

A few minutes later, it seemed i was unable to join any game at all. Happened sat 27/07 on ~12H50.

The game replay id is : #1140833
I launched the replay and still the same issue appeared.

Hope it helps :?
strang bug.jpg
As you can see, no ACU, factory cant finish, and i have access to T2 & T3, and no desync.
strang bug.jpg (404.15 KiB) Viewed 640 times
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