Hi All
A Setons game crashed earlier to debug. The following was written -
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x005f5d3e
attempted to read memory at 0x00000008
Program : C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
Cmd line arguments : /ratingcolor bebebebe /numgames 108 /mean 1392.93 /deviation 101.767 /country GB /init init_faf.lua /savereplay gpgnet://localhost/1143062/CattleProd.SCFAreplay /nobugreport /gpgnet
Unknown symbol (address 0x005f5d3e)
Unknown symbol (address 0x1b60d7fb)
Unknown symbol (address 0x2aeb826b)
Unknown symbol (address 0x006a4bab)
Unknown symbol (address 0xccccccc7)
Last 100 lines of log...
warning: SND: XACT3DApply failed.
Invalid arg
(this repeats 100 times)