Antinuke with one missile in the clip did not fire

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Antinuke with one missile in the clip did not fire

Postby Shai-Hulud » 02 Oct 2013, 10:44

Dear Community,

I am rather confused atm. I played a game (Cybran, Gap of Rohan, 4vs4) and everything went well. I built an antinuke silo in my firebase and there was enough time to get 1 antinuke constructed. One min. later though I got nuked by an enemy player (UEF, about min. 27). He nuked my firebase and my antinuke just didn't kick off.

Is this some kind of bug? My eco was fine.

There were no lags or desynchs in the game. I can watch the replay just fine too. However, someone from the forum had a look at it and he said that there were a lot of desynchs. I can record the replay as a videofile if necessary.

If this is a bug - is it possible to make the game unranked?

Thanks a lot for any kind of feedback. I hope I attached all the files necessary.


Just watched the replay once more: I think my antinuke wanted to kick off - there is black smoke coming out of the missile defence silo but it vanishes after a second.
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Re: Antinuke with one missile in the clip did not fire

Postby Ze_PilOt » 02 Oct 2013, 11:01

Before checking the replays, are you sure the nuke was in the range of the antinuke?
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Re: Antinuke with one missile in the clip did not fire

Postby Shai-Hulud » 02 Oct 2013, 11:04

Yes. He was aiming at my antinuke silo.
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Re: Antinuke with one missile in the clip did not fire

Postby IceDreamer » 02 Oct 2013, 12:29

It's an odd one I'll give you that. For some reasons the antinuke vanished somewhere, I'm having to watch it a second time to actually see what happened.

EDIT: Well my friend, that's one heck of a bug you've found. The Anitnuke projectile IS generated, it appears, begins launching, and then simply explodes before it leaves the structure. The is an allied Interceptor partially clipping the edge of the Silo, but it doesn't seem close enough to me to be causing the missile to impact it, especially as the missile is generated a goodly amount ABOVE the interceptor's height. Very, very odd, and definitely not deserving of a loss.
Last edited by IceDreamer on 02 Oct 2013, 12:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Antinuke with one missile in the clip did not fire

Postby ZLO_RD » 02 Oct 2013, 12:32

I think antiuke hit the interceptor that was laing near antinuke, yes it hit int that was on the ground, waching again to be sure
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Re: Antinuke with one missile in the clip did not fire

Postby IceDreamer » 02 Oct 2013, 12:41

See my EDIT ZLO, I don't think it did. I zoomed in under the shield, used freelook to get a good angle, and watched at -10 speed. The Interceptor does not appear close enough to have caused this. If it did, then that is reason enough IMO to find some way of preventing clipping with allied AntiNukes.
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Re: Antinuke with one missile in the clip did not fire

Postby Blackheart » 02 Oct 2013, 12:45

WIthout watching the replay, i just want to say that it is indeed possible that anti nuke missiles hit intis/asfs. if this happened, the anti nuke will not fire again even though it may still have missiles loaded. (happened to me against yolona oss missile, 20 antinukes all loaded, but one antinuke accidently hit inti that was landing there, causing no other antinuke to fire another missile, gg :( )
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Re: Antinuke with one missile in the clip did not fire

Postby IceDreamer » 02 Oct 2013, 12:48

The Interceptor was already landed and on the ground, and only partially clipping one wing into the edge of the structure. The missile spawns well above and to the North of it. If that collided at that distance, something's pretty messed up.
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Re: Antinuke with one missile in the clip did not fire

Postby Cantor » 02 Oct 2013, 12:49

Not that this is the case in this replay probably (haven't watched it), but sometimes people complain about antinuke not working when in fact they were hit by a billy nuke ;-)
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Re: Antinuke with one missile in the clip did not fire

Postby ZLO_RD » 02 Oct 2013, 12:50

Int was lain half inside in antinuke and receved 30 damage from antinuke missile

maybe we should increase antinuke/nuke/TML missiles HP and damage of counters to prevent nukes and antinukes get destroed by projectives

i mean just multiply HP of nuke missile on x and multiply damage of antinuke missile on x, and increase antinuke missile HP, so strategic missiles will tank few antiair shots, same could be done with TML/TMD
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