This problem is different to the previously posted one concerning hosting games.
I have no trouble connecting through matchmaker or joining games in the find games tab of the lobby, however, when I attempt to host a lobby I get the following error which is titled "string inded out of range":
**FAF Username:** Asmodeus
**FAF Version:** 0.10.105
**FAF Directory:** C:\ProgramData\FAForever
**FA Path:** C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance
**Home Directory:** C:\Users\Owner\Documents
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "games\_gameswidget.pyc", line 377, in hostGameClicked
File "games\hostgamewidget.pyc", line 113, in __init__
File "modvault\utils.pyc", line 212, in getActiveMods
File "vault\luaparser.pyc", line 304, in parse
File "vault\luaparser.pyc", line 273, in __parseLua
File "vault\luaparser.pyc", line 185, in __processLine
File "vault\luaparser.pyc", line 185, in __processLine
File "vault\luaparser.pyc", line 185, in __processLine
File "vault\luaparser.pyc", line 185, in __processLine
File "vault\luaparser.pyc", line 185, in __processLine
IndexError: string index out of range
I could not find that term in the search.
Thanks for your time.