Hello,, first sorry if this is wrong section to post this. I did do a search and didn't see anything related on first few pages, if I missed it I am sorry for that too.
Tonight I was playing a team game and all of a sudden went my commander went boom and my teammate told me he tmld me. The date is the 3rd of Febuary 2014.
The replay id is 1825652 and my gpg name is Spunk
My really nice teammate was named Celticsoul.
I never did or said anything to him until the time he decided to kill me, im not sure why he did it. I remember reading zep say that this behavior is not tolerated here, so I told him that I was going to report him as you will see in chat. And he told me that he is already banned. But obviously not, as he is still playing.
I am only reporting this as it was a waste 30 mins of my time and the enjoyment of mine and my opponants game. I hope this gets dealt with as I wouldn't want this happening to other people.
Thx for any response and again sorry if I am posting in wrong place, this is my first post here.