FA has failed to start

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FA has failed to start

Postby SilverKronos » 13 Feb 2014, 13:42


i have a little problem. when i want to launch a game, i've got an error message:

"Error from FA: FA has failed to start "

i've the steam version of FA, windows seven !
it's the 10 last lines of the forever.log, i think.
Can you help me to solve this ?
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English is not my native language, so correct me if i make mistakes. thx
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Re: FA has failed to start

Postby SilverKronos » 13 Feb 2014, 15:57

problem solved. Actually i didn't install all the update for FAF. And it didn't download these updates when you want to launch a replay so i launch a party game and the update download itsef. Sorry formy english, not sure that my explanations are understandable. ++ ;)
English is not my native language, so correct me if i make mistakes. thx
Posts: 127
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FAF User Name: SilverKronos

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