Set Command Line Switches

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Set Command Line Switches

Postby Ithuriel » 09 Mar 2014, 07:07

At the moment, my computer's going weird and won't launch if I try and run a game fullscreen. I can run SC: FA from Steam using advanced user options, setting -windowed 1920 1080. I've tried settings defaults in game.prefs; it doesn't help much. Is there any way to launch with command line options so I can actually run the game?
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Re: Set Command Line Switches

Postby Ze_PilOt » 09 Mar 2014, 10:26

Set the windowed mode in the option menu in FA, and it will always run in windowed mode.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Set Command Line Switches

Postby Ithuriel » 09 Mar 2014, 10:50

The problem is that I can't launch the game whatsoever at the moment without command line. If I force the windowed option through the command line, then it tells me that primary/secondary adapter are "Command Line Override," and locks those settings so I can't change them. I can't see any option labeled "windowed" either. I'm currently attempting something very complicated involving fooling the client into running a different EXE that then runs the actual game with a command line option, but I don't have much hopes for that; even though I've got the same name the client still downloads the game again (I might be able to fool it if I can change the version info though).

To any admins who happen to read this- what information do you use to test if the user currently has the correct version of FA? I'm attempting to create an executable to spoof the client, so that I can run the game with options. I've got the name and file type correct, and the file version correct. I've only set product version to instead of 1. 5. 0. 1 right now, but the client still redownloads the game. What other information do you check?

EDIT- I managed to fix this bug by running the game through Windows XP compatibility mode, at which point it ran with the Steam launch options
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Re: Set Command Line Switches

Postby Ze_PilOt » 10 Mar 2014, 15:46

I will add that eventually, but no ETA.

But you should be able to edit your game.prefs file to run in windowed mode directly :

Search "primary_adapter", and set it to "windowed" :

Code: Select all
                keyboard_pan_accelerate_multiplier = 4,
                primary_adapter = 'windowed',
                music_volume = 0,
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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