factory build templates do not work

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factory build templates do not work

Postby rxnnxs » 15 Mar 2014, 22:41

i am not able to place a shortcut that does place a build template for factories.
everyathing i got working so far. this not.
i am using windows 7 for this experience and have added logs. (sorry, not! there are no logs)

i would appreciate any help. and is there anybody who has the same probs?

i have no mods in my folder
i use a clean FAF install
i deleted grame.prefs

any ideas?

uh... as there is a server maintenance i startetd FA from the BIN directory. no logs found... sorry, after reading all of the read text above, i do still not know where to look for to get exactly the directory(ies) where to find that in this case.
it is very difficult to remember that either. somthing is under user.. something under applications, something under programs, somethign under "meine spiele", something under "my games", something is hidden under users, something is changed to "benutzer", oh my!!! the problem began when they began to move the MODS folder into the mygames folder. great, really great...!
but thats just a side note.

P.P.S.: i found out that changing things in FAF i.e. adding a mod and starting the game is not working right away. i have to start twice to have the changing effect. is that normal?
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