FAF update failed to complete!

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FAF update failed to complete!

Postby ijspannekoek » 09 Jan 2015, 23:01


When try to hoste or join a game in the FAF lobby, it starts looking for the update and after a few seconds it give the following error
if any one might know a solution to this, it would be much appreciated.
there's a friend of mine in the same room trying to do the same thing but gets the same error. we both just downloaded and installed it, in case that might help.

error popup:
''Sorry, Forged Alliance Forever couldn't complete the upgrade!

Update started at 2015-01-09 21:53:28
Using game path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance
Using appdata: C:\ProgramData\FAForever
Connected to update server at 2015-01-09 21:53:28
handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 324 bytes
Files to update: [ForgedAlliance.exe, init_faf.lua, init_ladder1v1.lua, GDFBinary.dll, SupComDataPath.lua, SupComDataPathFAF.lua, init_nonxt.lua]
writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_nonxt.lua, 16da7063ae3309c154a2c544f559b3a9])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, GDFBinary.dll, 6f57f59c2e705d7a5a02d49e3915cb26])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_faf.lua, a5766d65adfa871b7ab661b1c92392fd])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, ForgedAlliance.exe, dcf82138bb46628d99861c64d21407b7])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, SupComDataPath.lua, 55ac1ef97845f2291da64b830299331e])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, SupComDataPathFAF.lua, 962c9d1327657d77184adcf358c628f1])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_ladder1v1.lua, ea96ac9cec88af29c08556c96465acfe])
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 56 bytes
file : init_nonxt.lua
init_nonxt.lua is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
file : GDFBinary.dll
GDFBinary.dll is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 52 bytes
file : init_faf.lua
init_faf.lua is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
file : ForgedAlliance.exe
ForgedAlliance.exe is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
file : SupComDataPath.lua
SupComDataPath.lua is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 70 bytes
file : SupComDataPathFAF.lua
SupComDataPathFAF.lua is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
file : init_ladder1v1.lua
init_ladder1v1.lua is up to date.
Updates applied successfully.
handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 352 bytes
Files to update: [faforever.faf, effects.nx2, env.nx2, loc.nx2, lua.nx2, meshes.nx2, modules.nx2, projectiles.nx2, schook.nx2, textures.nx2, units.nx2]
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, schook.nx2, 160f4ea3749dd09be54dcbc915355a8c])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, effects.nx2, 03bedb5b662b48602c3e5f443d4bdd80])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, modules.nx2, 5580aa219315a88af3b6b63791cda1e7])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, lua.nx2, 78bd03ad2e92d4a594e3b992a64eee8c])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, textures.nx2, fc10ede3cbb14790557803f4a69c8bec])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, env.nx2, c8e06a7315aa17c5ed7e2cc6d6ecee99])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, meshes.nx2, e5dbdaf65e7820b60a398eb98136fa4c])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, faforever.faf, 51c196294638c22071dc8ee01e55771e])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, loc.nx2, b761276596401c04dac01c81463891c3])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, projectiles.nx2, a20c07ca43cab1624cb9d75c804a3b23])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, units.nx2, 7c66db67cb2c72ffcb8e0984915f8012])
FA Server down: The server is down for maintenance, please try later.
TCP Error The remote host closed the connection
Disconnected from server at 2015-01-09 21:54:02
EXCEPTION: UpdaterFailure(('Operation failed while waiting for data.',))''
Posts: 1
Joined: 09 Jan 2015, 22:55
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FAF User Name: ijspannekoek

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