Forged Alliance Forever Forums
Moderators: ExavierMacbeth, lt_hawkeye, OrangeKNight
DarkKaiser810 wrote:excuse me the black ops mods are not working correctly i downloaded them and installed them correctly but when i activate it in skirmish and i try to launch the game it stays loading it wont go in the game is their something wrong with the black ops mods?
1) First off DELETE your old version of BlackOps(must do this)
2) Download either the .ZIP of the mod
3) if you downloaded the .ZIP extract it to your mods folder(avoid getting double folders like BlackOpsUnleashed/BlackOpsUnleashed as this will cause errors)
4) now go into your /mods/BlackOpsUnleashed/ folder, you will see 2 files named "BlackOpsSB.xsb" and "BlackOpsWB.xwb" move BOTH of these files into your "supcomFA/sounds" folder. that will enable the custom sounds to be heard- If you downloaded from the vault go to /My Documents/My Games/Gas Powered/ect and move the sound files to your "supcomfa/sounds folder"
5) enable in the mod manager and enjoy( you should only have 2 Yoda pics in your mod manager ;p)
Manual Uninstall:
Files that need to be removed for manuall uninstall of old versions.
-2 Blackops items in the gameinstall/sounds/ folder
-BlackopsUnleashed & BlackopsBalance folders in the /gameinstall/mods/ folder
-BlackOpsUnleashed.scd in the /gameinstal/gamedata/ folder
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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