The anti-satellite feature is not working..

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The anti-satellite feature is not working..

Postby Zsombi » 28 Apr 2015, 22:20

Since the last update the anti-satellite part of the Strategic Missile Defense structures is not working properly. They target and attack the Aeon satellite and the UEF commander's spy satellite but not not the Novax satellite.

When one is approaching they seem to just alternate between targeting and going idle until the satellite goes out of range or one of the other two appears..
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Re: The anti-satellite feature is not working..

Postby zeroAPM » 29 Apr 2015, 11:06

Not spamming or anything but if you (or anyone else for that matter) want to contact the devs of BO then the forum won't do.

This is a more effective method to contact them.
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