-I'm in the situation where I have Supreme Commander 1, with the official update patch, but without
a copy of Forged Alliance.
-I wish to disable the Death Nuke on the ACU, the Supreme Commander, for all players,
as well as the 3 different assistant commanders that enter play via the warp gates.
Is it possible to do this without Forged Alliance?
-I have used 2 scd patches successfully with only the core game of Supreme Commander 1.
Are there others recommended for my circumstances that might work?
-Failing all this, is there a working way to turn off self-destruction nukes, for enemy as
well as your own ACUS? What, where and how?
-There are two nuclear missiles; a tactical nuke and a strategic nuke. There can also,
depending on which side you choose, a defense missile. Does that defense missile,
where it exists, generally stop tactical and strategic nukes?
-As a side question, is it true that Supreme Commander 2 doesn't allow wall building?
Is there a patch or free mod that re-introduces walls to all sides again? What
is it called?