Lately I'm frustrated as F*** with the game.... at the point that I really lost will to play , went from >10 matches a day to 1 or 2 , cause I get really angry with myself keeping losing.
I see no improvements in my play style , I tried to switch race , to make some training matches and so on , but it's really hard for me to keep the pace of my opponents and do what seems like they are doing so easily.
That's a typical match i lose vs a t3 opponent, but I can lose to unexperienced players too.
See how i can't expand , my engies get killed and I don't know what to do. I tried to harrass , to move my tanks in offense and find a weak spot ... but the only weakness is mine.
I suffer flank attacks move my tanks up & down left & right like a desperate and just run after mantis.
I don't understand why it's so hard for me to defend especially vs cybran , but anyway why my match is always in defensive after ther first minutes of the match. I don't get what's the biggest error .