terraforming and mass extractors

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terraforming and mass extractors

Postby Golol » 28 Mar 2013, 22:44

Yea in a game on 2v2 winter duel (not sure if thats the right name) i just had i couldnt build on a mex in my base.
My ally told me that it was because of terraforming. I had placed my landfac next to the mex to get the adjancey bonus.
I dont really get what happened so i need someone to explain me
1.why i couldnt build on a mex
2.if it was my fault or glitchy
3.If that can happen on any map
If yes - how to prevent it
if no - on which maps
if you want i can post a replay but i feel like thats a common bug
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Re: terraforming and mass extractors

Postby Rocksteady » 28 Mar 2013, 23:18

I didn't think buildings effected the ground in any way in this game. It happens in other games when a building flattens the land it's built on, when the land is not already flat it can raise or lower the surrounding land and create slopes or ditches.

In FA i don't think you can build if the land isn't flat so maybe it was just a poorly made map, the editor tells you which land can and can't be built on.

Could you build on the mex before building the factory next to it?
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Re: terraforming and mass extractors

Postby Flynn » 28 Mar 2013, 23:22

It was probably because he had put a Saleen on it.
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Re: terraforming and mass extractors

Postby Golol » 28 Mar 2013, 23:27

yes i think i could build on it.
and what im sure about is that buildings do flatten the area in FA.
wait im just gonna post the replay
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewniilqg2ebg7 ... .fafreplay
that should be the right one
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Re: terraforming and mass extractors

Postby Rocksteady » 29 Mar 2013, 01:22

Yeah it looks that way the corner of the mex dips down once you place the factory, play the map and see if you can build on the mex before building anything else.
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