Grandpa ARM's wants you! (Model above by Gamma to replace ARM. Commander. Model ported by Madmax).
Ever wish to reexperience the origin of our great game? SCTA is for you then. It brings from TA over 200 unique units, alongside CORE and ARM factions, rebalanced and bugfixed to our great game. In far off decades of 1990’s before there was the UEF there was the ARM, and before the Cybran there was the CORE.
The SCTA mod revision of the mod known as SCTA, to make Vault Legal, by replacing all the original TA model files with new and original replacements inspired by TA ones. But its over 200+ models. While also making a new mod called SCTABalance which balances ARM&CORE to have ability for competitive games versus a Supreme Commander.
Much work has been done already, but more is still needed. Over hundred models still need replacements, and many lines of code need revision. Grandpa ARM needs you! To help him come to FAF!
SCTA Project:
To bring over the Total Annihilation: ARM and CORE Factions to Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Forever. Trying to keep to the games original mechanics were possible (and various associated quirks). Then the goal is to rebalance the factions, to be equivalent in capability to the 4 Supreme Commander Factions. This project has required the help and support of various individuals. It is a job not one man can do alone. For that I have made a team to help me where I am lacking.
(Pictured is one of Gamma's imported models from TA Mayham ARM Drake)
The Team:
Is composed of myself and but not limited to, Odin of GB, the mapmaker Madmax, Balthezar, the maker of Brewlan, and we are aided by Gamma of TA's Community (maker of TA Mayham balance project). In the last two or three months, much time has been spent on coding the mod, balancing the factions, as well as model replacing and porting of the original TA Models. But my current team is well, only so many of us there is much work still to do until it can be Vault ready. Code to fixed up, models to be replaced and more.
And for balancing to be done. Anyone who can lend a hand, any at all be it, model making, helping improve the code or just wanting to chat and suggest ideas for improvement are welcome. For more information you can shoot me a PM here or on discord.
https://discord.gg/V9Z3j9r - This link is a permanent link to the discord, further information on the installation process and setup is more.
Will you stand with Grandpa CORE? (model made by Madmax to replace TA Core Commander)
Installation Process
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Preview Pictures
Spoiler: show