In the next next next ( ... ) relaese of Total Mayhem we want rework on the navy because in the original game the feature is not really interesting.
We will rework on all the navy there will be more ship class and each class will have a role.
Tech 1 new navy WIP
On first there will have 2 Dispatch boat :
Anti Navy : 100mm anti navy cannon
Anti Air : 30 mm Anti air cannon
( no screen )
UEF Tech 1 Frigate : 150mm anti navy cannon + 50 mm Anti air cannon + sonar + radar.
UEF Tech 1 Escorter : Anti Torpedoes defense + Heavy long range anti air missiles + Torpedoes + long range sonar + long range radar
UEF Tech 1 Support Frigate : 250 mm artillery cannon + radar
UEF Tech 1 Destroyer : 150 mm anti navy cannon + 50 mm anti air cannon + radar + sonar
UEF Tech 1 Cruiser : 170mm anti navy + 60 mm anti air + radar + sonar
All tech 1 fleet