GW metagame isn't very good right now. I see a few issues:
-It takes a long time to play: You cannot make any progress without other players around in under 60 minutes.
-It's too easy to "game". Because you have to wait 60 minutes to accomplish anything, your opponent can waste your time. Once an enemy sees you attacking, they know they can make you wait 59 minutes and then attack to stop you. That' encouraging a waste of 59 minutes.
-Multiple simultaneous attacks that fail is allowable, but dumb: All others attacks instantly fail when you enter combat for one of them. Why even enable multiple attacks?
-Auto-wins cheapen actual combat victories. They shouldn't be counted together.
Recommended changes:
-We need to dis-allow multiple attacks (which only favor people who play gw when all other factions are offline)
-We need to make progress more imminently calculable. I should be able to make progress if I can only play for half an hour, even if it's just a little bit of progress.
-Do away with auto-wins: Auto-wins completely cheapen the value of combat wins. Auto-wins and actual combat wins should not be counted together.
I have a few ideas how to implement this:
-Make players able to attack/defend only one planet at a time. You can only attack or defend one place at a time. This makes sense.
-Make control percentage change every minute. If you attack a planet for 1 minute and are undefended against, you should gain a small percentage of control, such as 0.1%. At this rate, you would take 6% control in 1 hour, and one person would require almost 17 hours to capture a planet by himself, unopposed. Credits could be earned along with this, such as +1 credit per +0.1% planet control.
-Make attacks continue until defended, counter-attacked, or retreated. If I'm on a planet for 90 minutes unopposed, I should get 9% control, then be able to log-off and go do something IRL without worrying.
-Do away with auto-wins. No more free victories for games that never occurred. You should only get % for time spent not playing FA.
-Make combat games worth more, proportional to how long they take. If idle GW control is 0.1% every minute, then an actual fought battle should give 0.2% control per minute. Therefore, the end of a 30 minute game would see a 6% shift in planet control to the victor (or 0% change if a draw.)
-Starting an attack or ending an attack pre-maturely should cost normal amount of credits. A defender losing should result in the attack auto-continuing. (It should continue until the attacker loses or retreats.)
I think with something more like this, you'll see an elimination of the meta game and balance problems we have on GW.