faliure to begin a game due to map

faliure to begin a game due to map

Postby Exotic_Retard » 23 Dec 2013, 17:31

tried to start a game ins a squad, automatch was set up, game started loading, in transit video played, then the main menu for forged alliance showed up, effectively cancelling the battle.

in the game log it said something about a map being failed to be loaded, i checked in map vault and i already had that map, so it should have been downloaded correctly. happened twice in a row
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Re: faliure to begin a game due to map

Postby Ze_PilOt » 23 Dec 2013, 17:55

Maps need to be tested, check the news on the website. Can't do it without users help.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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