I'm part of the GDI group. With svenni_badbwoi, b2ag and sandwormsurfer. Just recently we where looking for new map material and found a hight map of the lunar surface.
As a result we picked up some nice places on the lunar surface. In this case Mare Orientale.
In my case this crater: https://www.google.com/moon/#lat=-20.07 ... 879&zoom=5
Player: 2-10 (1v1-5v5)
Size: 20x20 km
Prop value: 137k mass & 0 energy
Latest version: 3
-Mirrored real world map from the Mare Orientale region on the moon.
-Building possibility is indicated by stratum
!-The map contains an unique decal* to achieve an authentic look --> Developed together with svenni_badbwoi
!-*Decal increases loading time by 20-30s (once transit screen freezes). Be patient its worth it!
-Challenging play due to need of Air drops, Naval and Land for all players. High requirement for map controll on air ground and naval.
-Some mexes need to be dropped and some can be only build by acu/sup commander.
-Small Civilian UEF base at the bottom center
-Skybox included
-AI path nodes
-Mapping tools: World Machine (mirroring, final heightmap, strata, normal map), GIMP (decal creation from normal map), SupCom editor (textures, final props), random prop generator (by svenni_badbwoi), mirror tool by b2ag and FAF editor (marker, units)
Adaptive Features:
-Dynamic Spawn Of Resources (mirror slots, used slots, no mirror = no resources, XvX setup) --> default: mirror slots
-Crazyrush (forward crazyrush mexes (4 mexes on the diagonal center line), crazyrush 1 core mex, crazyrush) --> default: disabled
-Core Mexes (3 or 4) --> default: 4
-Civilian Defenses (disable, wreckage or operational T1 - T2/T3) --> default: T2 operational (AA+Artilery)
-Civilian Base (disable, wreckage or operational) --> default: T1 operational
-Natural Reclaim Values (0-300%) --> default: 100%
Already many thanks to ozonex for the nice map editor, b2ag for the mirroring tool and svenni_badbwoi for leading me through the process and giving me feedback.
Mapping Workflow by svenni_badbwoi
Open for feed back and proposals.