Im making a map , and im trying to see how the mass spots work , but for some reason its stuck in an infinite loading screen
Scenario script :
version = 3 -- Lua Version. Dont touch this
ScenarioInfo = {
name = "You shall not pass, navy + air",
description = "All rights go to original creator , this is just an unofficial version of it",
preview = '',
map_version = 1,
type = 'skirmish',
starts = true,
size = {2048, 2048},
map = '/maps/You_shall_not_pass,_navy_+_air.v0001/You_shall_not_pass,_navy_+_air.scmap',
save = '/maps/You_shall_not_pass,_navy_+_air.v0001/You_shall_not_pass,_navy_+_air_save.lua',
script = '/maps/You_shall_not_pass,_navy_+_air.v0001/You_shall_not_pass,_navy_+_air_script.lua',
norushradius = 40,
Configurations = {
['standard'] = {
teams = {
name = 'FFA',
armies = {'ARMY_1', 'ARMY_2', 'ARMY_3', 'ARMY_4', 'ARMY_5', 'ARMY_6', 'ARMY_7', 'ARMY_8', 'ARMY_9', 'ARMY_10', 'ARMY_11', 'ARMY_12', 'ARMY_13', 'ARMY_14', 'ARMY_15', 'ARMY_16'}
name = 'FFA_1',
armies = {}
customprops = {
['ExtraArmies'] = STRING( 'ARMY_17 NEUTRAL_CIVILIAN' ),