Could someone please explain how the map vault validates whether a map already exists in the database?
I had a map called "combokingofthehill" which didn't work because the map vault wasn't uploading the custom textures. Now that this is fixed I tried to reupload it but it says it already exists in the database, fine. So I tried to rename it, many times, and still no go.
Eventually I changed the name completely to "comboskingofthehillv1" and it still didn't work. I then opened the _scenario.lua file and changed the "map_version=x," to 2,3,4 even 20 and still it won't work. I also changed the "name = 'Combo\'s King of the Hill v1.0'," and still I get the same message that this map already exists in the database.
Maddening. Please help, thanks.