In-game, the stats for the UEF T3 Spearhead says it has:
Damage: 2400
Rate: 10 (DPS 240)
It fires 3 missiles, which each do 800 damage.
But where does this Rate come from? How is it measured?
While testing it out on the default +0 speed, using a Spearhead attacking ground on one spot, the time between the first missile of each salvo coming out was about 15 seconds. The time between the first and final missile of each salvo coming out as about 2 seconds. I don't see where the Rate of 10 comes from. If the correct Rate is 15 seconds, then the listed DPS of 240 would be incorrect.
Similarly, with the UEF T2 Klink Hammer stationary artillery, FAF lists its Rate as 20, but timing it at +0 speed shows it actually fires about every 24 seconds, not every 20 seconds. As above, if the true Rate of the Klink Hammer is about 24, not 20, then its listed DPS would be incorrect as well.
The UEF T1 point defense says it has a Rate of 0.33, and it does indeed fire about 3 times every second.
I don't know if this is a bug, or if Rate is defined in a peculiar manner. Please tell me if this is a bug, if the information inside FAF is incorrect, or how Rate works.