Did some testing as well.
Replay ID: 3667750, about 27 minutes long
Sandboxing between 2x Cybran Tech 2 Subs and 1x Seraphim Destroyer, as it is a 2 to 1 in favor of Cybran Tech 2 Subs in mass cost.
Jump to 2:30 for first test.
I had all the units on hold fire, I was trying to get an idea of their intel capabilities (forgot power for Cybran at first). Got them both close, then released the hold fire.
Results: Both subs killed, destroyer barely damaged. At the range that it was the subs did not see the destroyer, but did fire single shot volleys at it and not the full 6 shot volleys they were supposed to.
Second test at 7:00
Have power now for Cybran and looking at what happens at the weapon range. The destroyer has a water vision of 45, equal to both torpedo ranges, so that sonar stealth is kind of not helping. You can get to a point where the sub can fire on the destroyer and the destroyer does not fire back. Need to micro the subs, as an attack order moves the sub too close.
Results: Destroyer killed; 1 sub killed, 1 sub damaged, after I moved the destroyer forward.
Third test at 9:00
For this I was seeing if the main guns had enough splash to damage the subs with ground fire. Did not work out unfortunately. It messed with the torpedoes of the destroyer.
Results: Destroyer killed; both subs survived, minimal damage
Fourth test at 10:20
Kind of messed up, used the same subs from before (one had 200 hp missing). This time moved and specified target with destroyer. Subs stationary.
Results: Destroyer lives with 525hp.
Fifth test at 11:15
This time had the subs search for destroyer.
Results: all units killed each other.
Sixth test at 13:30
Subs hunting stationary destroyer, but I was trying to find that sweet spot where the subs would fire without them being fired upon.
Results: Destroyer dead; 1 sub dead and the other was again firing without being fired upon.
Seventh test at 16:30
This time added sonar station to Cybran. Subs given an attack order and then I tried to micro the subs so that they fire a volley and run away, since they have a speed advantage. Again I was able to have the sub fire without being fired upon.
Results: Destroyer dead, subs about 1/2 or 1/3 heatlh.
Eighth test at 18:50
This time moved and queued up attack orders with destroyer onto each sub.
Results: Destroyer lives with 300hp, both subs dead
Ninth test at 20:30
Subs given attack move order, I move the destroyer to the subs and then try to keep a broadside to them as I loop around them.
Results: Destroyer lives with 150hp, both subs dead
Tenth test at 22:30
5 subs vs 2 destroyers. Kept the subs in a line and had the destroyers loop around them
Results: Both destroyers dead, 1 sub dead, 1 sub at 310 HP, 1 sub at 1270 HP, 2 subs at full health
Eleventh test 23:50
4 subs vs 2 destroyers. Kept subs in line, had given target orders onto subs so that the focus fire on each one together.
Results: Both destroyers dead, 3 subs dead, 1 sub at 1270 hp
Twelfth test at 25:50
Back to 2 vs 1. Destroyer given a loop path around subs, but this time I control the subs to keep up.
Results: Destroyer lives with 375hp, both subs dead
We can see that if Cybran can micro effectively they can win out. If the destroyer just actually gets into the fight it can win out, but heavy in the red. So with Cybran, keep on the move unless you have numbers. Seraphim, keep pushing forward and keep them at a close range so that they do not run to far.