dirtierdragoon4. wrote:I can not remember a game where the person that upgraded to RAS did not win when their opponents had no RAS upgrade.
I saw so many games where people stupidly made RAS and died because: 1)their opponent made units and used them; 2) their opponent rushed strat and sniped power before RAS is done; 3)their opponent rushed strat and sniped ACU; 4) Plenty of other things strat can do while you make RAS; 5)their opponent made shield/nano and used it; 6)they thought RAS is more valible than additional HP on ACU knowing enemy has 50 strats flying around.
The game is already complicated in building energy and mass without figuring out the best time to upgrade commander to RAS (resource allocation system).
Make 6 t2 mexes, 2 t2 pgens and go RAS. Is it complicated?
Upgrading to RAS can dwarf your opponents economies and doing it well can make the game extremely unbalanced, practically at any point of the game.
No it's not true. Every faction has RAS and every faction has t3 pgens and t3 mexes as a bit less efficient and static replacement to RAS.
The game is inherently unbalanced when teammates share economies (three ways to share) to rush experimentals.
Team games are team games; not multiple 1v1s. If one team communicates, helps each other, shares forces, resources ect, and other team doesn't, the first team will win every time. I wonder when dev team will implement their "Co-op" game mode with only one eco and one army per whole team.
Since upgrading RAS can be a timely and semi-complicated process, and upgrading mexes and building energy reactors is already complicated for noobs, we should restrict RAS.
Does it mean "restrict RAS because it's complicated for noobs"? It might be a secret for you, but there are many things complicated for noobs; should we restrict them all?
I think the game is mainly about noobs becoming experts and it will be too complicated to eco normally and upgrade RAS, making current ranking more skewed. Lets give noobs proper training and a chance to shine in the ranks by practicing without RAS addicts.
Noobs will never become experts if they will play only part of game; especially if you take out main part of ecoing in team games.
If you dislike RAS, don't get it. If you want nobody to get RAS, than make a mod for that and try to play games with it.
try=lobby simulator with nobody joining you
But if mod will get a lot of games with it, the restriction will get into next patch be sure.
I don't think RAS is a problem. It could get some tweaks or a little rework. But that's not enough for me to make a restriction. To be honest, i think restriction system must be removed in general. They added no t3 air restriction. I never saw it used at all.
tbh im having a hard time understanding the last paragraph's reason
I hope I understood it right too.