tl;dr please buff the net survivability of air EXPs so they don't melt instantly under SAM/ASF fire.
Air based experimental units have an inherent problem not faced by land or naval EXP units, and that is the comparative 'value' of a units health is almost nothing for air units. Or in other words, the amount of time and resources required to deal an amount damage to a land or naval unit is much greater then the same amount of health to an air unit.
This stems from two things primarily, first is that ASFs are nuts, second is that SAM turrets are highly effective and readily available.
ASFs are fast, cheap and deal 400 DPS (or 405 for Aeon/seraphim). SAMs can be built by all factions (as opposed to only UEF having a T3 land defense turret) and deal 333 DPS over a considerable range. What this does is creates an environment where the only ways to stop a unit of value from taking upwards of 10k damage a second from combined fire is to either hide it, which is nearly impossible to do for large scale air especially considering any decent team would have Omni radar up by that point, or so make your own horde of ASFs to protect it from enemy ASFs.
Now you are likely going to respond with something along the lines of "Build more ASF to kill the enemies ASF" or "If you didn't have enough ASF to defend it, then its your fault" and while yes these are points worth mentioning, they do however miss the main point entirely. Simply being that to use an air EXP pretty much requires you to have already won air. If you are loosing or its a 50/50 then building a czar is a waste of time. Compare this to building a GC, for example, if you are loosing a land battle and the enemy T3 units are slowly over running your T3, you can build a GC to turn the land battle back in your favor. Same deal with a megalith, or a fatty, or even a tempest.
Plus as a bonus nail in the coffin, why build a czar when you can build a bunch of strategic bombers that are faster and easier to defend.
Here is my proposals of how to fix this:
First, nerf ASF damage per a fire cycle from 400 down too 360. A 10% reduction in the damage will mean that the amount of ASF shots required to kill any other ASF remains exactly the same (specifically, 5 full firing cycles) for all factions.
Second, buff the AA weapons of the Soul ripper and Czar (The AA weapons on the Ahwassa are already relatively strong and do not need a buff) by giving them a small area of effect. Not enough to turn them into giant flak cannons obviously, but just enough so they can at least cause damage to an ASF swarm.
Third, buff the hitpoints hitpoints of the Czar and Ahwassa (Going any higher for the Soul ripper would be silly) by approximately 15k and 10k respectively.
Optional other changes, boost the build rate of the Czar significantly, seeing as in theory part of its air defense comes from building its own ASFs, yet it can't be assisted to do so like ground factories.
Improve the bombing behavior of the Ahwassa so it 'fails' to bomb less often and has less down time after firing.
P.S. If this problem has been fixed in Equlibrium or BHedit, then please dont think thats an excuse to ignore this thread. If FAF requires mods to function properly, then something is wrong down to the core.