Soon a new Nomads version will be available on FAF (build 32). This is the change log. The balance changes are not included and will be posted later.
- Implemented new mobile TMD unit model. I've also made it a full fledged T2 field engineer: it now has a full engineer suite and it shows up in the idle engineers list as a T2 field engineer. It's still missing proper textures but that's about it.
- New textures for the Comet experimental
- New weapon fx used on the Bullfrog to make it's gattling cannon look more impressive. Is now also used on T3 gunship.
- Corrected build mode keys, added keys for new units
- Prevent tree fire spreading. This should fix all or a very big part of the remaining tree problems.
- Bug fix: When the Beamer is firing from the Comet, when you unload it, it won't fire at targets in range unless you make it manually
- Bug fix: Now showing correct engineer icons in the idle units UI panel
- Bug fix: Stunned units could still support artilleries
- Bug fix: Now that we have bigger factories some units pass through the floor of the factory when rolling off
- Bug fix: When you build a T1 factory it starts with the Nomads tarmac but once it's done it reverts back to the UEF one. The Nomads tarmac is never again applied or so it seems.
- Bug fix: ACU explosion bug is unfortunately back (it deals 50000 damages).
- Bug fix: EMP tanks can't turn their turret properly anymore after they have been transported
- Bug fix: the new tarmac texture makes my computer feeze for a split second when i first build something that uses it.
- Bug fix: The energy storage uses the wrong strategic icon (it uses the same icon as a pgen)
- Bug fix: In faf the veteran levels were not properly applied to the Beamer. This bug also resulted in a weurd unit with code IN2007.
- Bug fix: The plasma projectile fired by the T3 tank and the T3 heavy destroyer can no longer be seen through the shroud. Additional tweaks to this effect to decrease performance strain but it looks slightly different now.
- Bug fix: the smoke created by the ACU dropship is not removed properly in all cases.
- Bug fix: The build effect from the ACU and engineers is now always properly removed.
- Bug fix: ACU and SCU inaccuracy. The inaccuracy was amplified by sniper mode enhancement.
- Bug fix: naval units no longer try to move through the naval factory upon being built.
- Bug fix: The SCU doesn't disappear anymore when enhancing to the second armor enhancement (power amor).