A new version, build 40, of the Nomads faction is available for play on FAF!
Highlights of this release:
- fixed bug in the lobby because colours were different from FAF since FAF's last patch
- new models : T2 and T3 shields, Aircraft Carrier, Railgun Carrier, Nuke, T1 Gunship (texture is not finalized yet for this one)
- T2 and T3 shields have a different animation when they are upgraded to stealth field
- New feature : Comet Experimental Transport can transport one ship (including Battleships)
- New SCU feature : special damaging explosion when RAS is equipped (can be used as a heavily armored mobile bomb); default explosion is smaller than other SCU's
- T4 flawed Game Ender removed bringing the number of experimentals to 4 ; increased cost and buffed t3 Orbital artillery instead
- New projectile and explosion effects.
- balance adjustments, especially to update balance to FAF 3624 version.
Read the full changelog and balance changelog for further details.
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/84 ... carri.jpg/
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/25 ... thfie.jpg/
General Changelog (build 40)
- New colors, as used on FAF
- New model for the T2 and T3 shield structure. This is one model reused on 4 units.
- T1 gunship: new model and weapons fire a different projectile. Also changed the unit ID from INA2007 to INA1004.
- New texture on the T1 tank
- T2 railgun carrier: New model, also new unit icon.
- T3 aircraft carrier: New model, also new unit icon. The carrier now fires 3 salvos of 4 AA missile flares. It also has 4 flak style weapons
- T3 submarine: New sinking animations (disabled on FAF)
- Support commander: New death explosions. Default is a small-time explosion, but with the RAS enhancement a bigger effect is used instead.
The UEF SCU model is still used as placeholder. Now, the RAS enhancement puts the back back on the SCU.
- Beamer exp: Subtle change to the beam effect. Also changed sound effects, to use the (old) Monkeylord charge up sound
- Rescaled the T3 mass generator (visual only change)
- Removed experimental artillery
- Changed T3 artillery to fire 5 projectiles instead of 1
- New model for the nuke missile
- Naval units, except for experimentals, are now transportable.
- Different effects for the various rockets and missiles
- Orbital bombard range is now better displayed. It was 200 units from the ACU. Now it is still 200 but SCU's extend the range.
Carried over from previous builds since build 37:
- Fixes for GAZ_UI
- Fixes for Hotbuild
- Fixes for Sorian AI
Removed mods:
- Transportable ships (now part of Nomads)
Balance Changelog (build 40):
General anti air change:
All dedicated anti air units and structures target Experimental air units in priority
Land units:
T3 engineering suit regen reate fixed:
NewRegenRate = 35, (from 15)
RAS upgrade:
mass output = +13 (from +14)
Energy output = +3800 (from +3300)
Base Health = 15000 (from 16500)
Normal explosion = 500 (radius 3)
2nd upgrade of primary weapon (right arm) : add range = 10
Machine gun upgrade range = 30 (from 25)
Sniper mode upgrade:
add range = 40 (instead of 45)
add damage = 650 (from 350)
add rate of fire multiplier = 0.2 (from 0.25)
Rapid repair:
cost :
BuildCostEnergy = 36000,
BuildCostMass = 1000,
BuildTime = 3600,
new health = +5000 hp (from 4500),
mass cost = 4000 (from 2000)
buildtime = 6000 (from 4800)
mass output = +4 (from +6), energy output = 1500 (from 600)
RAS explosion = 7500 damages
Assassin Tank Buster:
FiringRandomnessWhileMoving = 1.15 (from 1.3)
T2 heavy tank :
FAFhook tweak only: all relevant speeds = 3 (from 2.7)
T3 super heavy tank: improved movement behaviour
MaxBrake = 0, (from 3.5)
MaxSpeedReverse = 3.5, (from 0)
MaxSteerForce = 3.5, (from 10)
TurnRadius = 3.5, (from 0)
TurnRate = 310, (from 60)
Bullfrog, Crawler and Beamer:
They target SCU (SUBCOMMANDER), just after Experimentals and before t3.
Naval units:
Aircraft Carrier:
New model
All speeds = 3.7 (from 3 or 2.5)
All AA weapons:
Muzzle velocity = 90 (from 65)
Rate of fire = 3.4 (from 2) and 2 shots are fired at once (from 4)
Range = 75, AOE = 2 (from 1.5)
2 TMD with 0.5 rate of fire (from 1 with 1 rate of fire)
Flare guns added
Air units:
FAF balance:
Health and Max Health = 1600 (from 2300)
Mass cost = 350 (from 400)
Wreck mass multiplier = 0.45 (from 0.9)
Can transport ships as standard behaviour.
AA weapon damage = 350 (from 300)
MinRadius = 3 (from 8)
Rate of fire = 0.8 (from 1)
T3 mass fabricator sized standardized with other t3 massfabs
UniformScale = 0.325 (from 0.5)
lifesize bar = 3 (from 4)
MeshExtentsX = 2.8, (3.2)
MeshExtentsY = 1.6, (2)
MeshExtentsZ = 2.8, (3.2)
SelectionSizeX = 2, (from 3.6)
SelectionSizeZ = 2, (from 3.6)
SizeX = 2.6, (from 5)
SizeY = 1.45, (from 2.1)
SizeZ = 2.6, (from 5)
SAM with FAF balance change:
Health and Max Health = 7000 hp (from 10500)
DamageRadius = 1.5 (from 0)
MuzzleVelocity = 45 (from 30)
Veterancy = 24/48/72/96/120 (from 12/24/36/48/60)
SAM Projectile bp :
LeadTarget = true, (from false)
Game ender:
The Big Bertha game ender placeholder is removed ; the t3 orbital artillery is stronger and more expensive than other factions. Two of them are almost as efficient as a game ender.
T3 static artillery:
(change both INB2302 and INO2302 to avoid discrepancies)
3603 Mass cost = 100 000 (from 80 000); FAFhook mass cost = 90 000
3603 Energy cost = 1000 000 (from 800 000); FAFhook energy cost = 900 000
Buildtime (for both 3603 and FAF) = 40 000 (from 28 000)
Shoots 5 projectiles dealing each 1500 damages in 6 AOE (from one 5000 damage projectile)
firingRandomness = 0.7 (from 0.25)
MuzzleSalvoDelay = 0.4,
EnergyDrainPerSecond = 5000 (from 3800)
Energy required = 10000 (from 7600)
Rate of Fire = 0.086 (from 0.11)