I was away from my pc for two days, saw a new update and everytime i try and install i get the following message when it tries to update:
**FAF Username:** Amber_Baal
**FAF Version:** 0.10.122
**FAF Directory:** C:\ProgramData\FAForever
**FA Path:** C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance
**Home Directory:** C:\Users\Amber\Documents
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "fa\updater.pyc", line 899, in readDataFromServer
File "fa\updater.pyc", line 819, in handleAction
File "fa\updater.pyc", line 707, in applyPatch
File "shutil.pyc", line 119, in copy
File "shutil.pyc", line 82, in copyfile
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\ProgramData\\FAForever\\cache\\patchedFile'
How to fix? please...